Off The Grid at Canfit Pro Global 2022

Created just over 3 years ago by Sébastien Brunelle-Jestin (UdeS Alumni Class of 60) and Charles Couture-Lebrun (HEC Alumni), the Off The Grid startup aims to develop an eco-responsible spinning bike that generates electricity through physical activity.
Today, we’re closer than ever to commercialization!

We’re also proud to announce that we’ll be taking part in our first major fitness event this week. Canfit Pro Global 2022 will take place at the Metro Convention Center in Toronto on August 12 & 13.

Come and visit us at booth #709 🚴‍♂️

Get your free pass here:

Actualité récente

Off The Grid in the Journal de Montréal

We’re excited to share our feature in the Journal de Montréal, a milestone for us at Off The Grid. The article, available only in French, highlights our initiative that allows recharging mobile devices with energy generated from cycling. This project reflects our commitment to accessible ecological solutions, showcasing our belief

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Pedalling Towards Sustainability at Hotel Alt Calgary

Over the past year, introducing Off The Grid’s eco-friendly stationary bikes at the Hotel Alt Calgary University District has been a highlight in our work with Germain Hotels. This initiative is more than just a shared commitment to sustainability; it’s about blending eco-awareness seamlessly into the hospitality industry. The project’s

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