Pedaling for the Future: Charles on QubRadio

On November 17, 2023, we shared our groundbreaking vision on QubRadio. At Off the Grid, we’re turning everyday cycling into a renewable energy source. Our innovative spinning bike is more than fitness equipment; it’s a key player in sustainable electricity production.

Our CEO, Charles, discussed introducing our technology in a market flooded with stationary bikes. Our clear response is that our initiative is not just wise but necessary. We offer an experience that goes beyond physical activity, enabling users to contribute to a greener energy future.

In the show ‘Prends pas ça pour du cash’, hosted by Francis Gosselin and Philippe Richard Bertrand, Charles highlighted how our technology merges technological advancement with economic impact. Our bike isn’t just a piece of fitness equipment; it’s a way to change the world, one pedal at a time.

This media appearance was crucial for us, highlighting the importance of our mission at Off the Grid. We are committed to redefining the boundaries of what’s possible in fitness and sustainable energy.

Watch our CEO in action on YouTube (content in French) or listen to the podcast on Qub Radio (content in French). And for more information about our innovative bike, visit our site at Off the Grid.

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